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Please note that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held to, among other things, make specific and much needed amendments to the FOBA Constitution (viewable here). This meeting is carded for Thursday 27 September, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the College Hall.
Following is the agenda:
1. Creation of an ex-officio post for a teacher.
2. Re-wording of clauses 5-xiii and 5-xiv of the Constitution to reflect that members appointed to posts on the Management Committee will serve out the remainder of the term, and not year.
3. Creation of 4 elected posts of sub-committee chairmen. The sub-committees will be
- Alumni
- Events
- Benefits and Recognition
- Sponsorship
4. Election of the above posts.
All Fatima past students are invited to attend so if you would like to be a part of FOBA and join any of the above sub-committees now is your chance. Details on the roles and objectives of all the sub-committees can be viewed here.
For further information, please call our office at 628-4735.