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Please be advised that FOBA’s 2013 AGM will be held at the college hall on TUESDAY 28TH MAY AT 5:00 PM.
Elections will be held for the following Officer positions:
• President
• Assistant Secretary
• Treasurer
• Five (5) Ordinary Committee Members
Elections will also be held for heads of the following four (4) sub-committees:
• Alumni Communications
• Sponsorship
• Events
• Benefits & Recognitions
Details on the roles of each-subcommittee can be viewed here.
Note that all past pupils of Fatima College are Ordinary Members of the Association and are therefore eligible to vote and also run for a position.
For further information on these sub-committees, or any other queries, please call the FOBA office, 628-4735.
If you would like to help in any of the sub-committtes or would like to voice your concerns/interests then please come to the meeting.