Please be advised that FOBA’s 2019 AGM will be held at the college hall on THURSDAY 27TH JUNE AT 5:00 PM.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Call to Order

2. Opening Prayer

3. Principal’s Report

4. President’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Reports of Sub-Committees:

  • Alumni
  • Benefits and Recognition
  • Events
  • Sponsorship

7. Matters arising out of Reports

8. Motions

9. Election of Officers

  • President
  • Vice President Finance
  • Vice President Strategic Operations
  • Ordinary Committee Members (5)

10. Election of Sub-Committee Chairmen (4)

11. Other Matters Arising

Note: All past pupils of Fatima College are Ordinary Members of the Association and are therefore eligible to vote.

Details on the roles of each-subcommittee can be viewed hereIf you would like to help in any of the sub-committtees or would like to voice your concerns/interests then please come to the meeting.

For further information or any other queries, please call the FOBA office, 628-4735 or email