The Fatima Old Boys’ Association 2024 AGM was held on Wednesday 26 June.

Following the Principal’s Report given by Acting Principal, Ronald Cooper, the President’s Report by President Christian Flemming and the Treasurer’s Report by Marc Jardine, elections were held.

The elected Officers to the Management Committee were:
– President – Mr. Christian Flemming
– Senior Vice President – Mr. Graeme Ottley
– V.P. Finance – Mr. Marc Jardine
– V.P. Sports and Culture – Mr. Ronald Williams
– Secretary – Mr. Andre Weekes

– Ordinary Members – Mr. Raymond Samms, Mr. Carlos Cedeno, Mr. Jason Aguiton, Mr. Akil Myers, Mr. Maurice Simpson, Mr. Miguel Cielto, Mr. Adrian Jordan, Mr. Marc Campbell, Mr. Lendel Bethelmy

The elected sub-committee chairmen were:

• Alumni – Mr. Kendall Teloka
• Events – Mr. Kelvin Polson
• Benefits and Recognition – Mr. Jelani Corbie
– Sponsorship – Mr. Peter Corbie

Congratulations go out to all the returning officers and the newly elected members. And a vote of eternal thanks go out to those outgoing officers.

The full Management Committee membership is listed on the About Us page