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In addition to the main Executive Committee, there are four (4) sub-committees which aid in the objectives of the Association.
Sponsorship Committee
- Take a holistic, ‘big picture’ view of all sponsorship activities. This is to ensure that we get maximum value from individual sponsors – not on a per event basis but on a per sponsor basis.
- Are responsible for all forms of sponsorship. Whereas they may not arrange every single instance of corporate sponsorship, it should all pass through them to ensure that there are no conflicts with our other sponsorship activities.
- Are responsible for ensuring that we get maximum value from all marketable assets. This includes, but is not limited to, events like the Fete and Cookout, sporting events and the Sports Ground itself, websites, newsletters and new media marketing.
- Are to ensure that FOBA maximises its network of contacts in the corporate world to ensure the sponsorship pot is as wide and deep as possible. In this regard it will have to work closely with the Alumni Committee.
- Are responsible for ensuring managing the relationships with individual sponsors – ensuring that we do not over-subscribe from the most willing sponsors.
Events Committee
- Broadly responsible for organising existing events (excluding the Carnival Fete). Note: This does not mean they do all the work, but that at the least they project manage it. Part of this overarching responsibility is to ensure that there is sufficient and appropriate manpower for each event.
- Are primarily responsible for ideas for new events. New ideas will not only come from this committee, but they should be the main source of the ideas.
- Should work closely with the Alumni Committee (to ensure that appropriate manpower and expertise is sourced) and with the Sponsorship Committee (to ensure that events are maximised from a sponsorship standpoint).
- May be called on from time to time to provide their expertise to other groups in their fundraising efforts.
Recognition & Benefits Committee
- Are responsible for creating and managing benefits accessible to FOBA members.
- They may need to work closely with the Sponsorship Committee as benefits may be in the form of minor sponsorship to different schemes.
- Also be responsible for managing Alumni recognition/Hall of Fame
- Responsible for managing recognition of significant FOBA & Fatima benefactors such as teachers, sponsors, etc.
Alumni Committee
- Are responsible for maintaining and developing a database of all alumni. This database should form the core of the committee’s activities. When looking for contacts, sponsors, alumni, etc., FOBA or other alumni should be able to search the database easily to get reasonably accurate and complete results.
- Are responsible for recruiting alumni into active FOBA participation.
- Are responsible for communication with the alumni, i.e. website, newsletters, social media, etc.
- Are responsible for the development of the alumni network into something that all members can tap into for advice, services, career advancement, etc.
- Are responsible for maximising the engagement of the alumni at large.
If you are interested in serving on any of the sub-committees please contact the FOBA office at 628-4735 or via email, contact@foba.fatima.edu.tt.