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The Fatima Class of 75 celebrated their reunion with a mass at the school chapel followed by a lunch on Saturday 17th October 2015.
The Main Celebrant was Fr. Gregory Augustine, CSSp., Principal and Provincial Superior of the Holy Ghost Fathers and cocelebrants were Fr. Herbert Charles, CSSp., former Dean of Form 6 (1975), Fr. Gervase Girod, CSSp., former Dean of Forms 1 & 2 and Fr. Harold Imamshah (Class of 75).
Fr. Charles in his homily, “Then and Now”, placed both the Church and Society in the context of the 1970’s and the privilege he considered it to be as the Dean of Form 6 of the Class of 1975, guiding the formation of these Form 6 students at the time and the men in Form 6 whom he considered to be respectful of authority, willing to be moulded and flourishing as gentlemen, continuing to be respectful and committed, 40 years later.