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Ian Benjamin is Head of Bethany Chambers, Port of Spain, and practices as an advocate attorney before the superior courts of Trinidad & Tobago, Dominica. Anguilla and Grenada, including before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
Q. What years did you attend Fatima?
A. “1975 to 1982”
Q. Which part of your time at Fatima brings back the fondest and/or least fondest memories?
A. “Small goal on the field in the rain and mud”
Q. How long were you on the FOBA committee before you ran for President? Did you hold any positions/Offices prior to being President?
A. “Five years” / cannot now remember.
Q. What made you decide to run for FOBA President?
A. “It was my turn…so they said”
Q. What years (for how long) were you FOBA President?
A. “1994 and 1995”
Q. What was your vision for FOBA while you were at the helm?
A. “Financial stability and fellowship”
Q. What was the most challenging aspect of being President of FOBA during your tenure?
A. “Executing the Fiftieth anniversary celebration”
Q. What were you most proud of during your tenure as President?
A. “Fiftieth Anniversary celebration”
Q. Is there anything they would have liked to do during their presidency that they didn’t get a chance to do?
A. “Rest”
Q. How has the experience of being FOBA President influenced you?
A, “It deepened my relationship with both older past pupils as well as younger past pupils”
Q. If all your teachers were still there, who would you check first on visiting Fatima today?
A. “Aloysius Joseph”
Q. Tell us about your career/family post-Fatima. Any highlights you wish to share?
A. “Married with four children- three girls (2 SJC and 1 HNC) and 1 boy – Fatima. The deepening of my involvement as a parent in each of those three schools”
Q. Have you been able to maintain friendships with your classmates since school? Any class reunions?
A. “Yes, many”
Q. What do you feel about Fatima and FOBA today and how they’ve progressed?
A. “Fortieth Anniversary is coming up in 2020”
Q. If you were elected President of FOBA tomorrow, what would be your first order of business?
A. “Not going to happen – I have had my turn. I love supporting my successors”
Q. Any hobbies? How do you spend your free time?
A. “Karate and meditation”
Q. What did receiving the Fatima College Hall of Achievement award mean to you?
A. “I felt and feel blessed to be included among an incredible group of talented and generous and thoughtful fellow alumni- many of whom I have known and admired for a long time for their commitment to Fatima College its students and staff”.
Q. Any closing remarks?
A. “None at all”
See Ian’s 2020 Hall of Achievement induction ceremony here.