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10 June 2018 - FOBA would like to say THANK YOU to all who helped make our Annual Cricket Tournament a success. A special thanks to our sponsors and facilitators: The Security Zone, Blue Waters, Carib Beer, Paradigm Sports & Tours, Chris Hosam, Chumpsdigenius. And congrats to the winners: 1st place - Crystal Stream Too, 2nd place - Fatima Young Boys, 3rd place - Stickerz
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On Thursday 15th September 2016, FOBA officially launched the Fatima College store, The Grey Pocket. After the cutting of the ribbon by school Principal, Fr. Gregory Augustine, the store was blessed. Students and alumni alike will now be able to purchase a vast variety of Fatima branded merchandise. Store hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. Payment methods: cash, credit card or Linx.
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FOBA celebrated its 50th Anniversary by launching it’s long awaited Hall of Achievement at a grand ceremony and dinner at the Anchorage, Chaguaramas on Wednesday 18th November 2015. At this ceremony, the inaugural 54 individuals were inducted into the Hall of Achievement. The 2015 Hall of Achievement commemorative booklet is now available online at https://www.foba.fatima.edu.tt/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2015-Hall-of-Achievement-Book-FAW.pdf
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Being in a continuous state of evolution and innovation, FOBA decided to take their annual Salt and Pepper Cookout and shake up this event category by transforming it into #FatimaFoodFest. This scrumptious new food festival, held on Saturday 10th October 2015, maintained everything that was loved about Salt & Pepper while introducing competitive culinary entertainment worthy of the Food Network. Patrons got a chance to judge cooks to determine the best Fatima Alumni Cook and Best Invitational School Team! The crowd was able to enjoy their favorite cocktails being made with exciting showmanship at the Flair bar. And a Celebrity Chef Challenge was held whereby 2 local celebrity chefs, Jason Peru and Gregory Lindsay, battled on stage as they prepared a gourmet delight live for patrons, who were also the judges. Sunny Bling provided entertaining commentary during the Challenge which was won by Chef Peru.
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13 September 2015 - FOBA held annual tournament with 14 teams subscribing to be crowned Champions. There were 2 team categories, Under-40 and Over 40. Teams competing in the Under 40 were divided into two groups and the Over 40 in one group. Camaraderie on the day was high as all teams were situated in the Pavilion and you know how picong is when team rivalry is on the spot. Reminiscent of Intercol games of yesteryear and also for the love of football, a great time was had by all. Special Thanks to our sponsors, Carib, Lucozade, Powerade, Dasani, A.S. Bryden, Amco & Angostura. Special mention to Richard Piper of All Sport Promotion who ran the entire event with his referees. Kudos to the Events Committee Team for making this event memorable. Looking forward to 2016. Under 40 Group: Champs - O Four, MVP - Frank Denzy (O Four) Over 40 Group: Champs - Fatima and Friends, MVP - Roger Johnson (Fatima & Friends) Over 40 Champs - Fatima and friends
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12 April 2015 - FOBA held its first annual 8-A-Side Cricket Tournament at the Fatima College Grounds. Six teams took part in the tournament with participants ranging from 16 to 65. The event was a great success, and saw a total of 6 teams vying for the coveted title. In the end however, as the sun set on what was a long hot day, two teams emerged victorious jointly sharing the 2015 title. Our congrats go out to to the joint champs “Must Win One” and the Fatima College Cricket Team for their well fought and well deserved joint victory.
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The Fatima class of 1984 got together for their 30 year reunion on the weekend of 28 November 2014. A boys lime was on Friday night and on Saturday was a dinner function with specially invited guests FOBA President Dwight Andrews, and former Fatima teachers. For the teachers it was a mini reunion as all of them had either left or retired from teaching so they had not been together as a group in quite some time.
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7th September 2014 - The teams of Ulric McNicol and Trent Noel of Lennox Petroleum, and Rasheed and Janet Ali won the inaugural Clive Pantin Challenge Trophy at the Fatima Class of 1975 Charity Golf Classic held at Moka Golf Club, Maraval. Pantin, a former Minister of Education and the first lay principal of Fatima College was present at the prize giving ceremony held right after the day’s play. The tournament was a two man scramble and 36 teams teed off. Proceeds from the event, which will be held annually, allowed the Class of 1975 to present a cheque to FOBA to help pay off the remaining loan on the new school wing that was constructed last year.
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7th September 2014 - After a 2 year hiatus, FOBA held its Football 7’s Tournament at Fatima College Sports Grounds. There were 2 team categories: Under 40 and Over 40. Teams competing in the Under 40 were Fatima F.C., O-Four, Stickerz, Scrape-Up, YOBS, D Expendables and an invitational team National Petroleum. Whilst in the Over 40 were Fatima Hockey Vets, Nice_n_Easy and Fatima & Friends. Alumni such as Sean Ramdoo, Colin Zamore, Ryan Stollmeyer, Roger Koo, Christian Flemming, Lyle Beckles, Maurice Simpson, Shiraz Ali, Keron Kong and Steffan Monteil were names reminiscent of the years gone by. With the camaraderie and love of football, a great time was had by all. Special Thanks to our sponsors: Carib Beer, Lucozade, Powerade, Dasani, Xtra Foods, Angostura, HowZzat and Lime.tt. And special mention to Richard Piper of All Sport Promotion who managed the games with his referees.
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Sunday 1st June 2014 - Fatima College hosted the 50th Priest Ordination Anniversary for Fr. Gervase Girod. The occasion commenced with a mass in the school chapel said by the Most Reverend Charles Jason Gordon, Bishop of Bridgetown and Kingstown, and was followed by a lunch in the school hall where Anthony Harford served as Master of Ceremonies. Visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpT5j4udRe8 for a special video tribute to Fr. Girod.
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4th November, 2013 - The new school wing was blessed by Bishop Robert Llanos, the Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdoicese of Port of Spain, and also a Fatima alumnus. Acting school principal, Fr. Gregory Augustine, thanked all who supported in this endeavor, especially as the wing was built in just over three months and completed under budget. Crews worked day and night to ensure the wing would be ready for classes on the first day of school.
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The Fatima Class of 1977 held their 35 year reunion in October 2012 at the first floor of Jenny's on the Boulevard. The teachers from their time were invited, along with some of the current teachers at the time. It had been a few months since Mr Aloycius Joseph had passed and his wife and son, himself a past pupil, were invited to receive a memory plaque in his honour. The group shots were done just as they were grouped back then, Groups 1, 2, 3.
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FOBA recently completed renovations of the pavilion on the school sports ground. This project included the outfitting of a fitness centre at a total cost of TT $190,000.00. Many thanks go out to the following sponsors and major contributors, without whom this project would not have been possible.
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The Fatima Class of 1986 got together for their 25 year reunion on the weekend of 16 December 2011. A mass was held in the college chapel on Friday with Fr. Girod as chief celebrant. This was followed by a lime at classmate Mark Laquis’ residence. A dinner was held at the college hall on Saturday night and teachers who were still on staff were specially invited. At the event the class recognized their most famous and renown classmates, including Brian Lara. A gift committee was also formed and one of their first targets was the outfitting of the school with new computers.
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FOBA recently completed its latest undertaking to further develop the student facilities at its alma mater, Fatima College, and to raise the education level of the College’s students. The Library Refurbishment Project funded the upgrading of the present library which is situated on the top floor of the east building bordering the river. Work on the new library began as soon as the school closed for the July-August holidays and finished in time for the start of the 2011 term in September. The new layout included a large room dedicated to the Form 6 students complete with a drop down screen for multi-media viewings. The main library was also equipped with multimedia facilities. It was rewired and cameras installed. The audio visual room also underwent minor renovations. The estimated cost of the building works and furnishings was approximately TT $750,000, the major source of the funds coming from the staging of the annual Carnival fete. For those very ole boys, the first library was located on the south-east side of the 2nd floor (1st floor for those accustomed to the British nomenclature) next to the Form 6-Languages classroom. The present library was built in February 1974 on the area which housed the bicycle sheds and the Form 6-Sciences classroom. It forms part of the building which also accommodates the Audio-Visual room and three classrooms. As a comparison, the cost of the whole building in 1974 was TT $170,000 and this figure included the cost of the roof which is not part of the upgrade!! The completion of the modern up-to-date library will put Fatima at the forefront of secondary schools in Trinidad by giving its computer-literate student body the tools and resources to access the worldwide web thereby widening their research skills and knowledge in completing assignments. It is expected that our students and graduates will achieve a higher level of excellence and garner national recognition for the school.
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FOBA was asked by the Principal Fr. Gregory Augustine to initiate a project to increase the capacity of the College’s assembly hall. The project involved the design and construction of a mezzanine floor to accommodate approximately 400 persons standing. The mezzanine floor constructed at Fatima is a steel special moment-frame, with beams, columns and beam-column connections in steel special moment frame are proportioned and detailed to resist flexural, axial and shearing actions that result as a building sways during strong earthquake ground shaking. The mezzanine floor area is 11.40m wide and 10m long with an additional arched cantilever of maximum cord length 1.5m. It is five tier with a total floor area of approximately 117m2. Construction of the mezzanine floor commenced on Tuesday 27 July 2010 with the cutting of the floor tiles in the assembly hall. All heavy construction i.e. foundation, columns, beams and composite floor decking was completed by 4 September 2010 to facilitate the opening of the school term on Monday 6 September 2010. During the months of September, October and November 2010, the metal framing for the tier system and the 20mm plycem board floor system were installed and the entire floor area tiled. These works were executed after school hours and on weekends. Fluorescent lighting fixtures were installed on the underside of the mezzanine floor and the entire underside was cladded using an aluminum framing system and gypsum. The mezzanine floor project was fully completed by 25 November 2010 and the College had full use of the new mezzanine floor for the annual Christmas concert on the 27th and 28th of November 2010.
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